Monday, March 18, 2019

Hitting level 85 Smithing IRL | Painting the Ingots

Back when I was visiting home for winter, I managed to snag the aluminum ingots that Diecaster_D cast in his foundry. Despite being great paper weights, I thought they could use a good paint job to actually look like something out of Runescape.

First, let's take a look back to see how we got here:
One of his first casting attempts, Diecaster_D tried to do a soap dish using the mold, but it didn't work out. The excess aluminum was used to cast the fist ingot of this style.
Fast forward a year later, and using some good molding sand, two additional ingots were cast. These were the ones I took with me.

So here I was with these two "Luxurious" ingots. I had some spray paint from a somewhat failed project I haven't documented that happened to match the color of the Runite bar from Runescape. So I decided to paint them up.
First a quick layer of gray primer. Both the top and underside of the bars were coated.
After a bit of sanding, the ingots were hit with the powder blue base coat. I did a few coats of this on all surfaces of the ingots.
After allowing the base coat to dry on both sides, all the faces were hit with some clear coat. This was allowed to dry overnight.
As you can see from the pictures, these turned out awesome! Now to sell these things on the Grand Exchange....

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