Saturday, November 19, 2016

Coffee Roasting -- The New Frontier

One of my professors from school was starting to teach a class on roasting coffee as I was preparing to graduate. One day, he gave a demonstration of how the class was to be taught, along with the activities to be performed. The purpose of the class was to apply engineering principles to the art of coffee roasting (flavor, energy consumption, cost of raw materials, etc). But it expanded beyond standard book work; there was a lab where you would get to physically roast coffee. I found that part of it fascinating, and hoped to do my own roasting in the future.

Well, that time has come. I was able to locate a good supplier of unroasted beans (referred to as "green coffee"), and ordered several pounds to kick start my roasting. I will be attempting and documenting different roasting techniques to see what effectively works for roasting the beans to make the perfect cup of coffee from the comfort of my own backyard. Stay tuned for delicious roast logs.

Stove top roasting
Air pop roasting

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