The bracket that attaches my home made (half) front fender to the fork crown had finally become victim to aluminum's terrible fatigue strength (in other words, it broke). So I decided to do it the right way and use steel this time.
"mud brake" |
What was left of the original bracket |
The material came from a drawer slide which was conveniently the perfect width and also had a conveniently placed hole. It's like it was meant for this purpose. This steel is also twice as thick as the old bracket.
Cutting the drawer slide |
This fancy new pivoting vise made the job easier |
After hack sawing off my peice, I was able to use aviation snips to cut off the unneeded angle parts to obtain a flat piece.
Some layout work |
1/8" holes for pop rivets, 1/4" to mount to bike |
I drilled holes for the corners because I was taught a radius corner is 10 times stronger than a sharp one. The original bracket had sharp corners which probably contributed to its ultimate doom. That, and I had to bend it a back and forth a couple times to get it in the right position, a big no-no with aluminum sheet metal. Also, mud.
The new bracket completed |
Some snipping, a lot of filing and some bending later, the piece is complete. The new one has less distance between the 1/4" hole and the fender so it effectively increases the wheel clearance... I still don't think all that mud would fit through though.
Back in action, now all I got to do is make the rest of the fender! |
One of the rear fender mounts is already cracked, but luckily it has a mount on either side of the seatstay bridge so the other one is keeping it from moving.
This is how the end of the fender attaches to the fork ends. |
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